
Albus' Story

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"Here she comes!" Oh, this was gonna be great!

Albus shrank back a little further into the shadows. Shanoa ran in a few seconds later. "Just a little further..." He poised to strike. She suddenly stopped short and turned on her heel. "Who's there?!" she demanded. Albus sighed in defeat. "Figures" he muttered, "Serves me right for trying to scare you." He couldn't remember the last time any of his ambushes had worked on her. He chuckled and stepped out into the Great Hall. "Albus!" Shanoa beamed. It felt good to hear her sound so happy to see him. He rubbed the nape of his neck. "Apparently I didn't hide my presence very well at all" he muttered. He smiled at her. "Good to see you, Shanoa" he said. What was it about her that made him smile so much? Then again, what wasn't it about her?

"What are you doing here?" she asked him. "Well, this is our home, after all" he shrugged, "Where else would I be?"

"No, it's not that" she said, "Aren't you on a mission?"

"Yeah. A mission that's going nowhere!" "Yes, but I wanted to make sure things were okay here" he answered. She'd never been able to guess the double meanings of his words. Now was no exception. He perked up a bit. "Any news worth sharing?"

Shanoa glanced away from him nervously. "Well..." she said carefully, tucking her hair behind her ear, "Barlowe chose me as the bearer, actually. We're about to start the ritual, so my body can be a vessel for Dominus."

Albus felt like he'd been punched in the gut. "What did you say?" he asked dazedly. He understood Barlowe's choosing her (why not use Ecclesia's best fighter?), but Dominus would... He couldn't even think about it. "Dominus..." he furrowed his brow, "You?!"

"That's right" she nodded. Albus clenched his fist and teeth, biting back a slew of curses. "This is an outrage!" he snarled, "Barlowe lied to me!"

"Lied?" Shanoa lowered her eyebrows in confusion. Albus glared his fist, which was beginning to ache. "I'm supposed to be the bearer!" he insisted, "He promised me that much!"

"But, the master said you..." her voice trailed off. Albus looked up so quickly that his neck cracked. He ignored it. "What?!" he spat, "What did he tell you?!" "Oh, this aughta be good!" "That you're... Unfit - to - be - the - bearer!" she rushed through the end.

His heart chilled. Unfit?

"You in particular are like a son to me."

"He would never say such a thing" he said. His voice broke a bit near the end. "But Albus-" Shanoa started to say. A bell rang three times then, cutting her off. "I'm sorry" she said, "It's time. I have to go." She jumped up onto a nearby ledge. "Wait!" he yelled, "Shanoa, you don't understand!" She sighed impatiently. "You're wrong" she told him, "I'm as much a member of Ecclesia as you are." She turned to face him. "Our sole purpose is to destroy Dracula, so people can look to dawn without fearing the darkness. Am I wrong, Albus?"

"She has to know!""That isn't -" he started to say. "For that reason," she finished, "I will become Dominus, the blade to banish all evil!"

"Shanoa!" he called. It was no good. She leapt up the ledges like a gazelle and disappeared behind Barlowe's door.

The echoing bang rattled what was left of his chest. He clutched at his hair and shook his head. "No" seemed to be all he was capable of thinking any more. He tried to picture her angelic smile in his mind. What did it matter that she wouldn't remember him if he never saw her smile again?! "How could he?" he whispered, not having the strength for a louder tone. He trembled with fury as a bolt of lightning ripped through the night sky. "Orders may be orders, Barlowe" he growled, "But I'm holding you to your promise!"

Not knowing how much time he had, Albus rocketed to the top of the chamber and paused outside Barlowe's door. He could hear them talking, but he didn't concern himself with what. All that mattered right now was that his plan worked.

Lately, he'd been experimenting with a Vol Umbra glyph. If everything went right, the room would be darkened just long enough for him to stop the ritual. He pulled out a charmed bullet and studied the shimmering purple - and - black symbol before loading it into his gun. He touched the icy metal of the barrel against his forehead. "Don't fail me now, Agartha" he whispered. He loaded a few more bullets into it and strained his ears to listen. Timing right now was a matter of life and death.

"Shanoa," Barlowe was saying, "as you know, only you can become the bearer of Dominus." A vein throbbed in Albus' temple. "Yes, sir" Shanoa answered. "Even so," Barlowe continued seriously, "It will be nearly impossible for you to control its power." Albus gnashed his teeth and tightened his grip on Agartha's handle. "The purpose of this ritual is to make sure your body will adjust to Dominus."

"Yes, sir" Shanoa said, "But when it's over, I..."

"That's right, Shanoa" he told her, "You will be able to wield our most powerful glyph: Dominus, which Ecclesia created as the ultimate weapon against Dracula!" Albus swallowed the bile in his throat. He listened as Shanoa's footsteps grew fainter. "I'm proud of you, Shanoa" Barlowe said convincingly, "You will become our world's new savior."

"You're only proud that she didn't figure it out" Albus spat. He suddenly heard a rapid page - turning and he strange whirring noise that occurred when a glyph was absorbed. "Now!" He unlocked the safety and threw the door open. "Night shot!" he chanted. As soon as he fired he couldn't see an inch in front of his nose. Perfect.

"What's going on?!" Barlowe exclaimed. Albus raced forward and drew the glyph toward himself, fire surging through his blood. Shanoa screamed.

The darkness faded to reveal a breathless Albus, an astonished Barlowe, and a dazed - looking Shanoa. Three books orbited around Albus' hand. Shanoa gazed wozzily at him. "You..." she whispered, "Who are...?" He shut his eyes and turned his head away. He couldn't stand looking at her like this. She sank to the floor with a soft moan. The sound of it drove a knife through his heart.

"What's the meaning of this?!" Barlowe demanded.


"Albus!" Bralowe barked, "You know how crucial the ritual is!"

Albus gazed at him with level hatred. "You lied to me." His voice was faint and rough. "Albus" Barlowe said as though he were trying to comfort a fussy baby. But Albus was beyond being soothed, especially by this man. "I was to be the bearer," he accused, "You promised me!"

"We each have a role!" Barlowe explained, "If you had followed orders, you might understand that!" He gazed at Shanoa's unconscious body. "Above all else," he continued, "Shanoa is the only one with the capacity for Dominus. You know that as well as I do."

"You didn't even give me a chance!" he thought bitterly. "I intended to overcome my weakness! What happened to working together?!"

"Perhaps we still can" Barlowe answered, "Together, we will overcome this setback as well."

Albus blinked in amazement. Did Barlowe actually think that he would just sit back like a good boy and watch while Shanoa was sacrificed? That he would actually help him sacrifice her? "It's too late" he declared heavily. He drew the glyphs out of the books and watched the clatter to the floor. The feeling of Dominus' power flowing through his veins wasn't entirely pleasant, but it was better than just tolerable. "Tell me, Albus" Barlowe asked, not so gentle anymore, "What do you intend to do with Dominus?" The former gazed once more at Shanoa before smirking cryptically at Barlowe. "You said it yourself," he answered, "Each one of us has a role. And like a fine master," - he rested his hand on Agartha's handle - "you've finally shown me what mine must be."

"Don't be stupid, Albus!" Barlowe snapped, "What are you planning?!" Albus raised his eyebrows. It was stupid to want to protect something precious to you? "I will be taking Dominus" he told him. Maybe Barlowe would be better at guessing double meanings than Shanoa was. Or had been. The thought hurt his chest.

"Be rational!" Barlowe beseeched him. It was very convincing. "Without that glyph, our mission is a failure! Dracula's vessel -!"

Albus frowned and narrowed his eyes. "I have my own mission!" he snapped. His hands trembled as he drew and locked Agartha. Barlowe chuckled once and glided away from him. His attack met Albus' halfway across the room. "You are my master no longer" Albus declared, "Farewell, Barlowe!" He raced out of the room and warped into the orchards. Tonight, his childhood haven might save his life.


He hid out in one of the trees until the first touches of sunrise peeked over the hills. He then fled to an old warehouse he'd chanced upon a few weeks ago on his 'mission'. Once he was safely inside its walls, he fell to his knees and buried his face in his hands.

Her weak voice. That horrible thud. Both kept replaying in his mind. He had failed her. Worse still, he'd lost her. He shook his head mournfully.

"I'm sorry, Shanoa" he whispered.      

Remember that story I told you might take a while? Well, this is it! And here's how it came to be :D!

So one day I'm sitting around twiddling my thumbs, thinking about things in my usual self - ish way, and I suddenly wonder: "What was Albus doing during all this?" I thought it might be a fun thing to explore, so I have henceforth decided to play the entire game through and write random pieces from Albus' perspective :D! How long it takes it to get posted will depend on how long it takes me to play the game through :paranoid:.

Ciao :wave:!

P.S: With the exceptions of Albus' little mental monologues, this is the exact dialogue from the game.

P.P.S: I fail at titles :no:.
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